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Get the HomeMade Delight eBook with 30 recipes of Tasty, Healthier, Easy to make Desserts!

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Have you ever wanted to start eating healthier, but you didn’t know from where to start?

Have you ever wanted to cook healthier recipes but didn’t want to spend hours in the kitchen?

Have you ever wanted to cut sugar from your diet but never really found a substitute that you like?

What if there was a way for you to keep enjoying sweets and desserts without the harmful effects of sugar ?

What if there was a way to cook in less than 10 minutes and still enjoy a sweet treat?

What if there was a way to make it simple and still have the results you want?

Every Journey starts with one single step…

I would like to invite you to this Journey with me by choosing your first step - removing refined sugar from your diet.

Why Refined Sugar-free?

It’s no secret, many of us have a sweet tooth, and I am no exception. As I was trying to transition to a healthier lifestyle I realized how dangerous and detrimental to my health refined sugar can be for my body, however I didn’t have much knowledge about where to start and what to substitute with.

I tried going without any sugar, sucrose, fructose, natural or artificial sweeteners, but it wasn’t a long-term solution for me. So I was looking for a way how to still enjoy the sweetness that food can provide, with no or less harm to my health.

And the reason why sugar is such a harmful product is because it increases the chances for all major diseases such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, cancer, obesity and Alzheimer.

Refined sugar is a processed product that contains 99% sucrose. Sucrose is the preferred fuel for the cell to produce energy required for all body functions. However when the blood sugar levels in the blood stream are too high, a few things may happen. Either the pancreas is not producing enough insulin, for the cells to use the fuel and create energy, or it produces too much, and over time the cells become insulin resistant.

However, prevention plays a huge role in maintaining healthy body, and even though there is a combination of things to be done to begin talking about healthy lifestyle and reversing of disease; I invite you to look together at what is the first step we can take together, that is simple, attainable and fun to implement!

Why Dates and Date syrup?

Out of all the options I have tried, including xylitol, stevia, maple syrup and many others, I have found that the one that gives me the biggest palatable satisfaction for sweetness and have the healthiest properties are dates! They are big, juicy, tasty, sweet fruits, rich in polyphenols, antioxidants, micronutrients and dietary fiber, which is shown to have a positive impact on human vascular health.

And since for some of my dessert recipes i needed more liquid that the others, I was so pleasantly surprised to discover that date syrup is available, affordable, beneficial and super easy to incorporate in any recipe that you want.

*Multiple studies show that the polyphenols in date syrup have great anti-inflammatory properties and that intake of date fruit or extracts can be a useful component of a healthy lifestyle and can have great beneficial effects on cardio-vascular health.

Why plant-based?

Well, why not? Plant-based diets and vegan diets are nowadays all over the place, as people keep trying to find the key to a healthy and long live.

Good news is that more and more studies show that one of the keys for longevity, reduced risk of chronic inflammatory diseases and a strong boost of energy is a BALANCED plant-based diet.

Emphasis on balanced… As no matter what is your dietary preference, we all face the same enemies in terms of processed foods, fast-foods and excess amounts of sugar in our food and beverages.

So instead of dwelling on which diet is better than the other, I decided here to focus on one thing at a time and one that is for sure well known to be destructive. But in order to resolve a problem, being aware of it is just the first step.

I not only want to help you be aware of what to eliminate from your diet, but help you do it with 100% success, by telling you exactly with what to replace it and how to do it.

30 plant-based refined-sugar free recipes, are only one click away! Don’t lose your chance on the 50% OFF discount!

Why raw plant-based?

I am not a professional cook… and baking has never been my strength :)

Actually, most of my baked goods I’ve burned and I think that the reason why I say I like crunchy, slightly burned food, is because I just has never really been able to properly cook a meal or a dessert without burning it…

So when I started searching for inspiration on how to make my meals and most specifically my desserts healthier , I was pleasantly surprised to see so many options of raw sweet treats and desserts!

So to add to the variety, I would love for you to try my No bake vegan Brownie…mmmmm, I dare you to try it and let me know how many pieces you cut…

But in all seriousness, raw vegan food is considered any plant-based food that hasn’t been cooked or heated to more than 48C. Instead, I love to blend my smoothies, to drink my juices and to soak my dates before using them in my recipes.

If you want to start contributing towards a healthier heart, increasing the portions of fruits & vegetable per day to 5 or more is a great start, and why not one of the portions to be your next Raw Vegan Dessert!. Find m on page 12 ;)

Why gluten-free?

Gluten consumption is associated with a condition called celiac disease.

It is an autoimmune condition that primarily affects the small intestine. Even though there is a relatively small percentage of people affected by it, there is a much more significant number of people that are gluten intolerant or sensitive to it.

Since the sensitivity levels may differ it can make it more difficult to recognize without a diagnostic. However, the benefits from gluten in wheat and grains can be found in other foods, therefore isn’t essential for human growth.

Throughout this logic I have concluded for myself that I would prefer my recipes to be gluten-free and I would like to invite you to try the different options I have tried avoiding the produce that contains gluten.

Especially the recipe on page 26 ! - So So SO simple, yet so delicious even if prepared in less than 10 minutes!


Valle M, St-Pierre P, Pilon G, Marette A. Differential Effects of Chronic Ingestion of Refined Sugars versus Natural Sweeteners on Insulin Resistance and Hepatic Steatosis in a Rat Model of Diet-Induced Obesity. Nutrients. 2020 Jul 30;12(8):2292. doi: 10.3390/nu12082292. PMID: 32751772; PMCID: PMC7469035.

Taleb H, Morris RK, Withycombe CE, Maddocks SE, Kanekanian AD. Date syrup-derived polyphenols attenuate angiogenic responses and exhibits anti-inflammatory activity mediated by vascular endothelial growth factor and cyclooxygenase-2 expression in endothelial cells. Nutr Res. 2016 Jul;36(7):636-47. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2016.02.010. Epub 2016 Feb 22. PMID: 27333954.

Al-Dashti YA, Holt RR, Keen CL, Hackman RM. Date Palm Fruit (Phoenix dactylifera): Effects on Vascular Health and Future Research Directions. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Apr 28;22(9):4665. doi: 10.3390/ijms22094665. PMID: 33925062; PMCID: PMC8125345.

Mia MA, Mosaib MG, Khalil MI, Islam MA, Gan SH. Potentials and Safety of Date Palm Fruit against Diabetes: A Critical Review. Foods. 2020 Oct 28;9(11):1557. doi: 10.3390/foods9111557. PMID: 33126433; PMCID: PMC7693939.

Arshad S, Rehman T, Saif S, Rajoka MSR, Ranjha MMAN, Hassoun A, Cropotova J, Trif M, Younas A, Aadil RM. Replacement of refined sugar by natural sweeteners: focus on potential health benefits. Heliyon. 2022 Sep 20;8(9):e10711. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e10711. PMID: 36185143; PMCID: PMC9519493.

During my transition to a healthier lifestyle, I was going through multiple different transformations and each one was hiding both a curse and a blessing. The blessing was the never ending improvement, sense of growth, and of course the great results in terms of health and weight-loss. The curse was coming from the confusion, the uncertainty and the lack of clarity each stage was bringing.

My greatest desire is to help those who are also transitioning to a healthier nutrition, with easy to prepare, home-made delicious dishes, focusing on sweet treats and desserts in the next few pages.

If you are anything like me, you might have a strong sweet tooth and that is what has always prevented you to stick to a certain diet and get the results you want. Maybe, you have also resisted the temptation for a few days only to find yourself on top of a whole cake with a fork in your hand right after. I am here to help you find better, healthier options for those who love desserts. In order to make them healthier, me and science, we agreed on removing certain ingredients and substituting with healthier ones.

Last year, by following the protocol of Dr Brooke Goldner, consuming the nutritional supplements of Dr Howard Cohn, and paying attention on all major areas of my life, in a short period of time I was able to lose 10 kg of body weight, reverse a pre-diabetic condition and enjoying my life with more energy and confidence. During this period I couldn’t find what I wanted and needed to eat in the shop, so I started cooking at home. And through a lot of trial and error I can now say that I have found a few very key elements I believe everybody should know about and have in their kitchen and I am very happy I am now sharing all my secret ingredients with you.

Through this transition I realised that the best nutritional plan for me is a raw whole-food plant-based diet, avoiding gluten and refined sugars, and adding the necessary supplementation. But no food is “healthy” if not consumed in the proper quantities, so please consume in moderation to keep the deliciousness and the eagerness for more.

I am also very proud to share that in order to be able to serve and help more people, I realised I needed more knowledge to become a professional. So here I am, in my second year at London University, studying Dietetics & Nutrition.

And it's not just me

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Get the HomeMade Delight eBook with 30 recipes of Tasty, Healthy, Easy to make Deserts!

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** If the ebook isn’t what you have expected, no problem! We will get you a full refund within the first 7 days from the purchase. And you can still keep your copy!


I am not a vegan or not on a plant-based, can i still make use of those recipes?

YES! This is how i started, i wasn’t plant-based at the time, but i knew i had to make changes in my nutrition if i wanted to stop being chronically ill and also to lose weight. These recipes have become favorites of many of my friends and customers, even if many are not vegans.

I am on a budget, will those recipes apply to me?

YES! I myself was on a budget when i started the whole idea. Actually, the initial “substitution” of ingredients, was more of a completely removing what i was judging unhealthy, and end up having way less ingredients to buy and prepare the recipe with and still it worked! By following the ebook, you will notice i do not use a huge variety of products, i more like to play around with different combinations and proportions of the same ingredients, so you can buy in bulk, save on the price and use for weeks and months ahead.

I don’t have any experience in cooking, will it be easy for me to prepare?

YES! I am no chef! For most of my recipes i have only used a nutribullet or a blender and just adding all ingredients in… The Beauty of being a raw vegan is that you don’t need to bake, and obey the rules of baking with all the complicated skills required that comes with it… Try it out and let me know how it goes.

After i pay, how do i collect my product?

You will receive an email with a link to download the ebook.

Let’s enjoy sweets and desserts in a new Healthier and Yummier way!

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Normal Price: £14.99

Today ONLY: £7.49

Let’s enjoy sweets and desserts in a new Healthier and Yummier way!

*The content of this website should not be considered as medical advice, or a way to treat and cure any disease or medical condition. Please always consult with your medical practitioner and nutritionist regarding your medication and diet.